Saint John Paul The Great Catholic High School Home

Mission statement

In accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church and in the Dominican tradition of prayer, study, community, and service, Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School is a college preparatory school committed to the ethical formation of youth in the pursuit of Veritas (Truth).
In order to carry out our mission to pursue Veritas (Truth), we:
Center all we do on Jesus Christ, “the way the Truth and the Life”(John 14:6). 
Pray together as a school community and deepen our personal relationship to Jesus Christ and his Church.
Study with academic rigor, preparing our students for college and life, discovering the beauty, goodness, and truth in God’s creation.  In particular, through the study of Bioethics, we teach the implications of the fundamental truth of the dignity of each human person, created in the image and likeness of God.
Based on these truths, we build community and serve one another in imitation of Christ.
Saint John Paul the Great is a high school of the Diocese of Arlington, founded under the leadership of now-retired Bishop Paul S. Loverde. To learn more about the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, and our new shepherd, Bishop Michael Burbidge, please visit:

Recent news

Bioethics Seminars

Bioethics Seminars for Adults

Two Bioethics seminars for adults will be held during September and October on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM.
Sister Malia Grace Reed O.P. will present The Human Person: A Philosophical Prospective, and Wyatt Parks, a Bioethics faculty member, will present Bioethical Issues at the Beginning of Life. Admission is free.
Fox 5

Fox 5 Visits John Paul

Washington DC’s Fox 5 kicked off their “Show Us Your Spirit” series at JP and featured our incredible students, athletes, marching band, and sports teams! Our Wolfpack brought bright faces, lots of noise, and exceptional interviews. We couldn’t be prouder! Don’t take our word for it; check out the video link!
Go Wolves!
Bioethics Honor Society

Induction to the National Catholic Bioethics Honor Society

On April 29, John Paul the Great became the founding school of the National Catholic Bioethics Honor Society. An induction ceremony was held and a group of students became the first members of this extraordinary new Honor Society.