Performing Arts Sponsorships

Artistic talent is a gift from God and whoever discovers it in himself has a certain obligation: to know that he cannot waste this talent, but must develop it.”
---Pope Saint John Paul the Great

Sponsorship works! It’s a win-win for our sponsors, our school and, most importantly, our PERFORMING ARTS STUDENTS.

Our performing arts students are the biggest winners!  Your sponsorship means more students in the band, orchestra, choir, and on the stage! As a John Paul Sponsor, your gift allows us to 

  • Provide aid and scholarship opportunities so as many students as possible can benefit from being part of JP’s award-winning Performing Arts Department
  • Continue to provide our performing artists with opportunities for competitions and performances
  • Ensure our performing arts students have the tools, instruments, and support needed for them to perform at the highest levels

Thanks to you and the Sponsorship Program, JP can better cover expenses that arise during the school year along with the set costs associated with the Performing Arts

  • Year-long sponsorships mean that  JP can plan and budget for the school year with more precision
  • JP can be proactive in providing for the needs of our performing arts. Sponsorships enable JP to make better use of the money entrusted to us

Please be an essential part of our JP community by becoming a sponsor today!

We love our JP community and as a thank you for your sponsorship. We will keep you in our prayers at our weekly school Masses. Please accept these small gifts of appreciation from us:

Sponsorship Levels


We want to give special acknowledgment to our JP Alumni for your support of your school. You are an important part of the JP community! In appreciation, we have an exclusive alumni gift for you when you donate $10.00 or more and become one of our sponsors. Make sure to check “Alumni” when making your donation.